All our events are on the HR1981 class calendar.
Sunday, Sept. 15, 4:00-5:30pm ET, Drop-In Social
Register now. Drop-in socializing, hosted by Jeanne Heifetz. Join us at any time. Contact: Jeanne Heifetz.
Sunday, Sept. 29, 3-4:30pm ET, Book Club & SocReTable: Discussion with Saul Perlmutter ’81, author of Third Millennium Thinking.
Register now. Our classmate (and Nobel Laureate) Saul Perlmutter is co-author of Third Millennium Thinking: Creating Sense in a World of Nonsense, in which a physicist (Saul), a psychologist, and a philosopher introduce tools and frameworks that scientists have developed to avoid fooling themselves, to understand the world, and to make decisions. These trust-building techniques can be applied to problems both big and small. Saul will share lessons from the book and from his popular course at UC Berkeley. This is a coproduction by HR1981’s Book Club and SocReTable (Societal Reinvention Table) groups. Contact: Joe McDonough
Sunday, Oct. 20, 4:00-5:30pm ET, Drop-In Social
Register now. Drop-in socializing, hosted by Jeanne Heifetz. Join us at any time. Contact: Jeanne Heifetz.